Ruth has lived and worked in and around Crookes since 1989. As a freelance musician she has been running a successful teaching business and contributing to Sheffield’s diverse music scene for over thirty years.

Promoting democratic participation is a passion of Ruth’s. She says,

“Everybody’s voice matters, and when residents or business owners have expertise to share, they should be involved in local decision making. Creating time to listen, and working together are vital elements of moving our city forward.”

Leading local Health Scrutiny committees, Ruth has furthered the work she started as a health campaigner before her 2021 election.

“I’m not afraid to ask the hard questions, I believe we can achieve better for people through scrutiny that demands action and change.“

Across Crookes and Crosspool, Ruth is constantly seeking opportunities to enhance the environment, fix problems, give children the best possible start in life, and support those in need.

“As your councillor I’ve been listening to residents and working hard to improve things for our neighbourhoods—from nurturing our green spaces and local businesses, to fighting for better public transport and postal services.

I know what matters to people, and will continue to work with you and for you to deliver for Crookes and Crosspool.”